Haunted Hampton Court Palace

Katherine Howard, the 5th wife of Henry Viii, was beheaded for treason and adultery at the Tower of London. She now spends eternity running down the gallery screaming for Henry as she was being chased down and arrested. She was born somewhere between 1518 and 1524. The exact date is unknown. She was born […]
Jangles with Jane Volume 5

I was haunting the palace today and overheard some juicy jangles—no I wasn’t actually seeking out gossip. I was in fact actively spying…because why not? I can. Did you know that there were numerous attempts on Queen Elizabeth’s life (this would be the first Queen Elizabeth) Anne Boleyn’s daughter, my niece? Let’s chat about one […]
Haunted Hawthorne: Volume 2

Stories from the Village of Hawthorne (The town in Snapshots In Time) The morning sun shone on the front porch of the shop as I dragged buckets of flowers outside. My knee was swollen and an ugly shade of purple, thankfully I knew it wasn’t broken. I’d had enough fractured bones to know the difference […]
Snapshots Inspiration

Snapshots in Time was so much fun to write, but it was also one of those books that I couldn’t quite get to where I wanted it for a long time. My husband, our girls, and I went on a family trip to Victoria, BC. Why? Because I was whining that I hadn’t had a […]
Top Ten Places I Would Totally Haunt…
If you could haunt someone or someplace…who would you haunt. Let me know in the comments. Let’s escape the real world for a few and have some fun. So let’s get on with the list. Number One: Jeffree Star’s Pink Vault- If you see your Chanel caviar floating around on the security cam, that’s just […]
If any of these weird things happen to you, you may be haunted. If any of these things happen daily, your ghost is probably pissed off at you. You know like when Brigid was pissed off in A Ghost of a Chance. Let’s look at this list and how these things are affecting me. 10) […]
So, Why Ghosts?
It’s been an interesting beginning of the year so far. My Lupus devised these nasty little antibodies that are attacking the connective tissue that connects my spinal bones to the muscles that hold them in place.The good news is that they finally figured out what was going on with my spine, and the physical therapy […]