Haunted Hawthorne: Volume 3

Stories from the Village of Hawthorne (The town in Snapshots In Time) Volume 3 My knee began to scream by the time I had locked up the shop, the agony beyond anything I had ever felt, but, in my defense, I can be a bit dramatic. Despite the pain, I was able to make a […]
Haunted Hawthorne: Volume 2

Stories from the Village of Hawthorne (The town in Snapshots In Time) The morning sun shone on the front porch of the shop as I dragged buckets of flowers outside. My knee was swollen and an ugly shade of purple, thankfully I knew it wasn’t broken. I’d had enough fractured bones to know the difference […]
Haunted Hawthorne – Volume 1

Stories from the Village of Hawthorne (The town in “Snapshots In Time”) Hawthorne Village is home to more ghosts than people. Everyone has a story, and this is mine. I’m a floral designer, and my little shop is haunted. It must be! That’s the only explanation for what has occurred and why I have more […]